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Research shows acupuncture is effective treating – Chronic Sinusitis

Complementing standard medical care for chronic sinusitis with acupuncture, acupressure and dietary changes seemed to help a small group of patients who weren’t improving with the treatment they had been getting, according to researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles. Only 11 patients took part in the study. While they continued with their usual medical treatment, the patients were offered eight weekly 20-minute sessions of acupuncture and acupressure massage and were taught to perform acupressure at home. They also received nutritional guidance based on traditional Chinese dietary approaches for their condition. After two months of the combined therapies, the patients had fewer problems with runny noses, less sneezing, and less of a need to blow their noses. Facial pain and pressure from the sinusitis also eased somewhat, the researchers said. In addition, the patients’ overall quality of life improved significantly: they reported less frustration, restlessness and an improved ability to concentrate. The researchers rated the additional therapy “safe and effective” and suggested that the next step might be using the complementary approach alone in treating patients with similar clinical symptoms.

The study was published in the March 2012 issue of the Archives of Otolaryngology.

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